
Darryl founded Saggio Technologies to help companies and agencies solve technical problems. He uses his two decades of programming knowledge, his wide range of experience across large budget, high risk projects, and an acute business acumen to assist companies in reaching their goals.

Portrait of Darryl T. Agostinelli

Darryl grew up in New York City , attended Staten Island Technical Highschool then later studied Computer Science at Case Western Reserve University . His fascination with computer programming began at young age when his father brought home an Apple IIc in 1985. After college, Darryl worked for companies such as Microsoft, Catapult Systems , Razorfish, Dell and Charles Schwab . Over time, he developed a talent for detecting and correcting problem code, and an eye for optimization and automation. After fixing a problem, he’s even produced training material for development teams to avoid future issues.

While he’s not afraid to pull pure C out of his tool box to solve a problem, he dedicates at least an hour, nearly each day to studying programming, participating in coding challenges, and learning something new. “I study every day to make sure my fundamentals are there, rock solid and always getting stronger.”

Thanks to experience running a real estate company and a software consultancy , Darryl brings a keen eye for business to the table. He has a proven track record of reducing costs and saving companies millions of dollars.

When he’s not working, Darryl likes to study math and philosophy . He inherited his love of philosophy from his father and it gives him an unusual way of looking at things that often helps him with his work. “You gain a perspective about the way the world works,” he said. That perspective has kept clients coming back to him over and over.

"He’s a very interesting fellow and he’s not your normal technical person,” said Huw Thomas, founder and chairman of Qv21 technologies. “He’s extremely strong technically, but he’s also worldly. He understands business and the compromises you sometimes have to make. He can look at technology from a broader perspective than just a technical one."

A healthy dose of creativity, particularly when it comes to problem solving, has helped Darryl help his clients rescue faltering projects .

"I highly recommend Darryl Agostinelli for his implementation and problem solving skills as a database architect and programmer with excellent coding skills,” said Justin Leighton Groll of the Texas Bond Review Board. “His work was smart and creative as he managed our large database project over a period of 18 months and developed solutions to a wide range of problems as they arose. He is personable and intuitive and a pleasure to work with."

Darryl lives with his wife and three children in the Austin area, where he serves as a Scout Leader and soccer coach.

last updated: Wed Apr 05, 2017