Opinions & Advice on Technology

The Role of the Enabler

"The leaders who work most effectively, it seems to me, never say 'I'. And that's not because they have trained themselves not to say 'I'. They don't think 'I'. They think 'we'; they think 'team'. They understand their job to be to make the team function..."
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The Time Compression Corollary of the Technological Singularity and Software Patents

The singularity concept teaches us that some point in the future, humans may be able to transcend their mortal coils. As we progress closer, certain technological elements appear to double and double and double again. All of this doubling also has a corollary effect. The time it takes to innovate decreases as we approach it.
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The MV* Patterns

In really large GUI applications (ex. Visual Studio itself, Microsoft Office, even iPhone/Android apps), the are a huge collection of Window and Dialog objects. Those apps can get very hard to coordinate internally. You can end up with a complex mess eventually. To wrangle it, programmers have invented some design patterns. They are the MV* patterns.
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How to Convert a DEB file to an RPM

It's great that more and more companies are supporting Linux. Unfortunately, they seem to think that Ubuntu == Linux. Sometimes you have to take matters in your own hands. Here's how to convert a deb file to an rpm.
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How to Determine if an ISO is bootable

Sometimes you download an ISO and go to use it and it's not bootable. You scratch your head. You download it again. Not bootable. You wonder if it's you. Maybe the commands you typed in are wrong. You need a sanity check.
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